7 Anchors


This one is most common in the Latin dance world. I think I first used this type of connection in Cha Cha. Once again, use an Underarm Turn when applying the following:

On count 4, compress with your partner. Continue the compression as the lead drives forward moving the follow back during 5&. Go to an anchor on count 6. This can add dramatic movement and a sharp ending to a pattern. Use it to hit breaks or just to get that “chasing your partner” look. If you want to really travel, extend the compression and add extra chasing steps.

So there you have it -- the 7 types of anchors I’ve observed so far in West Coast Swing. Some may say there should only be one. Others may have even more to add to the list. This is just an attempt at documenting my observations. I’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions. This does not take into account other connections that may take place instead of, or relating to, an anchor, such as a rock and go or a hitch. Just to keep things organized, I isolated anchor connections. I consider a rock and go, a replacement for an anchor when you want to extend a pattern. I consider a hitch more of a lead option to start a pattern...happening after the anchor. It also doesn’t include different types of connection through the slot such as onebeat leads and constant connection. Those are covered in other workshops and articles coming soon!

About the Author:

Nino is the founder and Executive Director of May I Have This Dance, a social dance studio based out of Chicago, IL, USA. He has a Masters Degree in Education and has been dancing professionally since 1995. Along with his talented May I Have This Dance staff, he has created the most comprehensive dance curriculum completely geared towards social partner dancing, including West Coast Swing, Hustle, Ballroom, Salsa, Latin, Country, Argentine Tango and more. May I Have This Dance’s mission, and Nino’s mission, is “to enhance each individual’s life through the joys of social dancing.” Nino is available for workshops, coaching, and teacher training. For information about Nino and any May I Have This Dance intensives, teacher training, and availability to travel to your location, contact May I Have This Dance at info@mayihavethisdance.com or 773-635-3000.